AAHH! Granada & Wanted - Unwanted...

ISSUE #321: September 20-25, 2010


AAHH! Granada & Wanted - Unwanted...


When I started Residencias Los Jardines, I started writing a weekly news letter —determined to tell all the good, bad, and the ugly. I knew some readers would be interested in the construction process. I expected others might be interested in the lifestyle of two people who had decided to live outside the box. For others, the adventures of Lita, the parrot and the cat took on an entertainment saga all its own.

Residencias Los Jardines is finished. We periodically have resales and rental availability. Some readers may be interested in this information.

More and more, the content will be dominated by events of our new project, "El Dorado" for short. While the future is always uncertain, I again aim to tell it like it happens —the good, the bad, and the ugly, and that is what follows.

In an effort to make the format more interesting and visually appealing and to field inquiries re. El Dorado, the news letter is now being distributed by Jan Kozak, Marketing Manager, Hacienda El Dorado. I will remain the author.

Brian C. Timmons, Author
Residencias Los Jardines/Hacienda El Dorado - Developer




Rio Oro:  It always gets a good workout this time of year and Hurricane Matthew has contributed this past week.  Fortunately, no surprises. We've seen it before and all plans are fine; no changes necessary.


Market Comment:  No sales activity this week and only one rental showing.  .

Owner-Manager:  The "tenant from hell": The "nightmare" continues. His problems are exacerbated by his not being on site.  How many more twists and turns there will be in this story is yet to be known. The laws are tenant oriented but in this case absenteeism and a not very helpful lease contribute to his woes. He's asked us to turn off some services which, by law, we are not allowed to do. We are helping in some other ways where we do have action points.

Unit 106A: $155,000

See Descriptions and photos below.

Rental Vacancies:

109       Sep / Oct                          $1,550 pr month
Unit 113       Available Sep 1                 $1,550 pr month

Residencia Los Jardines Site Plan

Unit #106A -- For Sale $155,000 - FURNISHED (Leased at $1,000 pr month until January 2011)

Total Area (Sq Ft):1250
Total area (Sq M):120
Floor(s):Ground Floor

This is a fully furnished 2-bedroom unit situated in a 2-story building, which has two units on the ground floor and two units on the 2nd. floor. Each unit is the same size (1,250sf) divided into 800 sf of interior space and 450 sf of covered front and back terraces. UnitS 106 A and B are on the ground floor; Units 106 C and D are on the 2nd. Floor. The solid masonry demising wall (common wall) as well as the 5” concrete slab prevent sound transference.

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Unit #109 --For Rent $1,550 - FURNISHED - September / October 2010 ONLY

Total Area (Sq Ft): 1506
Total area (Sq M):140

Floor(s):1 Story

This single story home (1506 sf. + parking for one car) is detached, has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, home office, living room wall / entertainment center along with a built in office and a semi-private terrace. In addition, it has a vaulted ceiling in the “great” room and two skylights. The covered entrance way is suitable for two chairs located next to a covered garden area. Once through the impressive front door, you enter the “great room” which houses the kitchen, dining room, office and living room. Upon entering, there is a built in wooden hutch surfaced with granite—it matches all the built-in furniture in the great room. There is a clothes washer and dryer off the 2nd bedroom. It may also be used for storage.

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Unit #113 -- For Rent $1,550- FURNISHED (Available Immediately)

Total Area (Sq Ft):1290
Total Area (Sq M):120
This 1,290 sf single floor home includes a 300 sf front terrace plus parking for one car. It is attached on one side by a 6 inch cement demising (common) wall, which prevents sound transfer. The three other sides allow light, ventilation and  garden views.

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September 25, 2010
Transport Minister Gives Autopistas One Month To Fix The San José - Caldera Or Else
If the Ministro de Obras Públicas y Transportes could close down, again, the San José - Caldera he would is the feeling Francisco Jimenéz gave over the last couple of days following a report by the Contraloría (Comptroller's office), the disastrous rainy season on the new highway and the popular demand to shut it down.

September 25, 2010
"Matthew" Spares Costa Rica
As luck would have it, the tropical storm "Matthew" did not have the effect on Costa Rica as it had been expected, though it is unwise to let down the guard.

September 24, 2010
New Storm Threatens Rain-Soaked Central America
(AFP) - Strengthening Tropical Storm Matthew raced toward Central America Friday and threatened to strengthen into a hurricane as it headed west over warm water towards the already rain-soaked region.

September 24, 2010
Expect Dollar To Drop Next Week
Notwithstanding that the dollar exchange has been rising the last couple of days before falling below the ¢500 colones floor of the exchange band, you can expect another dip this coming week as we get closer to the end of the month.

September 23, 2010
Costa Rica Seeks Out For Foreign Investment
During her U.S. trip coinciding with the United Nations visit, Costa Rica's Presidenta, Laura Chinchilla and her trade delegation have been taking the opportunity to promote Costa Rica with an aim to attract foreign investment.

September 23, 2010
Costa Rica On "Right Track", Says Presidenta Chinchilla
Costa Rica's Presidenta Laura Chinchilla said in New York on Wednesday that the country is on the "right track" to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and "even exceed them," but stressed that more needs to be done.

September 22, 2010
Costa Rica, Maldives Establish Diplomatic Ties
Costa Rica and Maldives established diplomatic ties on Tuesday, the Costa Rican Foreign Ministry said.

September 22, 2010
Canadian Group Bicycling To Costa Rica To Spread Word of Sustainable Living
An Guelph, Ontario (Canada) woman and six others will attempt to bicycle to Costa Rica, a 16.000 kilometres trip through nine countries. The 25 year old university graduate is taking a year off for the ride to spread the word about sustainable living.

September 21, 2010
New 20MIL Makes Its Debut Tomorrow
The 20 MIL Colones note, nickamed "colibríes", will make its debut tomorrow, Wednesday, among uncertainty and doubts over its security measures. The note is the first of the changes by the Banco Central de Costa Rica to rejuvenate Costa Rica's paper money.

September 21, 2010
Turrialba Volcano Remains Closed To The Public
Access to the Parque Nacional Volcán Turrialba continues closed due to the poor conditions of the pathway to the crater and the recent activity by the colossus.

September 20, 2010
Legislators Study Plans To Limit Powers Of The Constitutional Court
The Comisión de Asuntos Jurídicos (Legal Affairs Committee) will be creating a subcommittee to analyze five bills intended to reform the legal framework in which the Sala Constitucional (Constitutional Court).

September 20, 2010
73.000 TDMA Users In Costa Rica Resisting Change
Despite advances in technology, some 73.000 cellular users in Costa Rica continue with the old TDMA service, even though they have to endure problems with service provided by the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) during the last several months.


Weather: Lots of rain this week which is "normal" and heightened by Hurricane Matthew.  Weather reports indicate we are heading for a near record year of rainfall and lightning strikes are up 60%.  When the power stays on, the pumps have been able to keep up.  We had not significant winds; only extra heavy rainfall and cloud cover.
AAHHHHH! Granada: We hadn't been for 5+ months so decided to treat ourselves over our wedding anniversary. Very, very few tourists; hotels and restaurants were empty.  I knew this to took advantage of the slow season to get a substantial hotel discount.  We stayed at the Hotel Colon (20% discount).  Nice hotel in all ways except a weak breakfast.  We coordinated our trip with two sets of friends which increased our "fun" level.  One couple stayed at the Alhambra;  they were not impressed (construction noise all the time).  The other couple checked out the Granada Spa Hotel and decided against in in favor of the Hotel Dolphin.  It was fine for them but a long way away from where we wanted to be so our choice was the best for us.  We had some great meals--the El Zaquan served  its normal fantastic steak and a new competitor opened next to it with a similar fare but at a lower price point.  It was good as well.  The pizza place on the west side of La Calzada continues with great thin crust pizzas. This trip allowed us to extend our acquaintance with a couple who I think will become good friends...both interesting people, new to CR and who are checking out various places to live looking for the combination of lifestyle and weather which suits them.  They've tried San Ramon--too remote and too cool and wet; they are now trying Atenas.  

The cost to cross the border has increased from $8 to $13 per person  entering;  it remains $3 upon exiting.  The border crossing was 50 min. going; 60 min. returning;  a record for us in each case. Because a bridge was washed out on the San Ramon route (normal bus route) we took the San Jose - Caldera highway and saved an hour.  The total trip including the border crossing was 7 hrs.  

While waiting for the bus in Granada, Lita was strategizing over the next trip....  

The Wanted and the Unwanted:  CR has historically been described as the repository for these people--especially N. Am.  This week I learned that two acquaintances now fit into the "wanted" category.  

Brian, Lita, Hugo, irreverent Vicka, the pigeon toed parrot, and the newbies — Chico and Chica.

Brian C. Timmons, Newsletter Author
Residencias Los Jardines/Hacienda El Dorado - Developer
Cell: (506) 8305-3965

E-mail: brian@eldoradocostarica.com

For inquiries about availability of residences at Hacienda El Dorado or Residencias Los Jardines, contact:

Jan Kozak, Marketing Manager
Hacienda El Dorado
Rio Oro, Santa Ana
Costa Rica

Web: www.eldoradocostarica.com
E-mail: info@eldoradocostarica.com
MSN: jan.kozak.jr@hotmail.com
Skype: jan.kozak.jr

Tel (US) (+1) 647-477-5825
Cell: (+506) (+506) 8707-9930 /
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