—Life & Times—
![]() Brian Timmons Dear friends, When I started Residencias Los Jardines, I started writing a weekly newsletter -determined to tell all the good, bad, and the ugly. I knew some readers would be interested in the construction process. I expected others might be interested in the lifestyle of two people who had decided to live outside the box. For others, the adventures of Lita, the parrot and the cat took on an entertainment saga all its own. Residencias Los Jardines is finished. We periodically have re-sales and rental availability. Some readers may be interested in this information. Brian Timmons |
rentals & sales Paradisus Condos / Rohrmoser ![]() Each of the units consists of two bedrooms / two bathrooms, and a large living/dining/kitchen area. The floor plan of each of these units has eliminated the optional "den / office" divider. The result is a larger area offering more flexible furniture arrangements while still maintaining the option of including an office area. At 105m2 plus two parking spots each and storage locker, they offer a great opportunity for someone seeking views, security, central location, and first class, all round living... PRICE REDUCTION |
Market activity
sales & rentals Sales: Los Jardines: Units #114, #116 and #124 Rentals: Paradisus: Nothing available Los Jardines: Nothing available |
Residencias Los Jardines
property management, rentals & re-sales FOR SALE For sale
UNIT #114 Total Area (Sq Ft): 1290 This 2 bedroom/2bathroom,1,290 sf single floor end unit home includes a 150 sf front terrace plus parking for one car. This house is fully air conditioned and has recently been professionally decorated by international decorator Alcides Graffe and has undergone a complete renovation—new modern furniture, finishings, window coverings, and art work by Carlos Gambino. It is arguably the nicest furnished unit at Residencias Los Jardines and only steps from the pool UNIT #116 Total Area (Sq Ft): 1290 This 1,290 sf single floor home includes a 300 sf front terrace plus parking for one car and a separate, secure storage locker. It is and end unit and therefore attached on only one side by a 6 inch cement demising (common) wall, which prevents sound transfer. UNIT #124 Total Area (Sq Ft): 662 This 662 sf, + covered parking for one car, is a one bedroom home on the 2nd floor overlooking the large pool. It is ideal for a single person or couple. |
Our Lives
What Happened This WeekWeather: Normal rainy season weather... several hours of rain most every afternoon... In our area, Sept. and October are usually the rainiest months and that seems to be the case this year as well. StoriesVacancies: I have finally filled all the units I manage... which is not many these days... I have whittled down mostly by selling the units or thru owner occupation and some I gave up for various reasons... Los Jardines does, however, continue to have three very desirable vacancies... the owners are not marketing them properly in my opinion but that is up to them to figure out. Certainly, prices have come down, choice of tenant is more limited... interesting, three of the last four tenants are Russian. My last contract (106C) was done in English / Russian via Google Translate. Internet: We have had multiple problems this past week. It seems we are not the only ones... news reports say that the problems are wide spread and involved at least virtually all major carriers -unreliable, outages, slow... slow... slow... power blips which wreck havoc with some of our internal switches / equipment... we now have several households dependent for their work on internet... they are not happy when outages occur... it makes little difference if the outages / performance is beyond our control... I am the guy that gets the blast and who is called upon to reset / problem solve... day or night... I have a meeting in a few hours with another techie... he suggested something no one else has... I am going to listen... Shareholder Registration: The government now requires all corporations to list all shareholders. The system they have designed to register these is not user friendly and is very slow from what I have been told. Depending on the last digit of the corporate ID number, as to when this has to be done. If not, there is a substantial fine... they have deferred the fine once... but not the schedule... Lawyers are trying to make a fortune on this... ...we have 29 houses each with shares... we were quoted $3,000+ to do the registrations... we continue to look for a better option... below is a friend's experience: (he is a long term resident and speaks Spanish...) Bureaucracy run totally amuck. Again. Again. Again. Fire extinguishers and asprin in all cars. Change 100% of telephone numbers. Change 100% of License Plates. Law to register tax contributors including inactive corporations with no tax liability D140. Drivers license chaos using US license to obtain local license. VAT 13%. Electronic receipts. Buy or register something with a US passport and then get a new passport with a new number (total freaking idiots at US State Dept: only country to change number every 10 yeas. MORONS!) - have to change all old documents, drivers license, bills of sale, bank accounts, local credit cards, insurance policies etc... Get you DIMEX Residency, then change all the documents again! And don't even start me on the residency process, eh. Lawyers, bills, paperwork everywhere... There are worse countries obviously, but this place is pretty bad for this SHIT. When we bought our apartment, cash, it was in a corporation, and we just left it there per local custom, What a mistake. The idiot gobment is making owning a corporation a major liability and pain the the ass. Luckily, we bought the car in my name. The latest great idea that the som moron bureaucrats had is law 9416 where Hacienda has ruled that all corporations including inactive corporations (holding houses and cars) have to register their shareholders. With annual updates even if no changes. WHAT a big steaming PILE! What happened to the concept of SA??? Too many ministers and bureaucrats are hiding their loot, what what. But watch, they will just put their maids and gardeners as the owners and keep on skipping tra lala lala, Anyway, I tink I just completed the process at the risk of huge fines and jail if I got anything wrong, eh! (Please bring Oreos when you visit for all my best new boyfriend roomies, eh!) What a crock. First you have to get a digital eSignature card at a bank. 1 hour on the phone to make the appointment. Wait 2 weeks then 2 hours in the bank to get the reader, card, and pin. $60.00. Only the President of the company is authorized to doodoo this crap. Or a notary with a POA from the president. But this process is now annual, even if there were no changes, so it is worth it to get the eSignature card and learn the process. Or pay... Back home, 2 hours to figure out how to download the program, hook everything up, and register the eSignature card. A process. Wow, I plan on a new computer next year... all over again? Then finally into the Central Bank system to start the registration process. 3 hours yesterday with 3 calls to Ayuda. Then I had to stop. Headache and dinner. I was playing Leonard Cohen and French ballad greats on YouTube, but even that could not help the headache. After tinking about the process during my rem deep sleep, 2 hours today trying to figure out how to fill out the forms and following the Ayuda page by page guide. 2 calls to Ayuda until a very nice and clearly blessed man told me to buzz off that the Central Bank is only the system for this and that Hacienda has the Ayuda... Great... (Capri c'est finis...) But I tink that I finally got it filed correctly. I panicked and spend 45 minutes trying to correct numbers on the final edit check sheet until i realized the very efficient and precise (and very blessed) programmers had indicated the value per share as c1,000.000 and our capital as c100,000.000 as opposed to the local method of c1.000,00 and c100.000,00. I just could not see the very small commas and periods with my computer glasses. I gather that there were some clearly very blessed gringo programmers involved here, what what. Either that, or please remember the blessed Oreos... Alternatively a lawyer will charge about c78,000+ for a simple entry according to the news. Every year. Plus a POA at what cost??? (Voulez vous coucher avec moi...) I have heard that the banks are way behind on issuing the eSignature readers and cards and that appointments are taking a month or more. So if you have a corporation, active or inactive, you better get cracking if you are not with the program. Or I will bring Oreos to you on visit days. (...je t'aime, je t'aime. je t'aime...) Now i have to go get a permit for our water treatment plant. The saintly, blessed Ministry of Salud has decided that our builder did not get it in 2001 when the building was built with all permits correct. I am sure that he did, and that the blessed dears lost it in their clearly blessed filing room next to the mops and buckets. But they, the very blessed, say that we have to apply again... (Si si bon...) Life in the tropics, eh. Cheers, ps/ Oreos not Fig Newtons or Marias... I am in the process of closing now useless corporations, active and inactive, transferring assets because the cost and hassle of maintaining a corporation far out ways the usefulness of it. The BS just continues every day... along with internet outages, domestic disputes (as per last night with police in attendance), misc repairs, continual fights with Scotiabank and endless reporting to the buggers... life is busy with a lot of BS... the simple life in CR is a myth... but when we think of options... Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil, Honduras, Nicaragua, are all off the list... Composting: (My Rant) When I built RLJ 19 years ago, I created a composting facility consisting of three bins... one bin for dirt / and two bins for different stages of decomposition... such that we could have continuous compost... this helps our renew our garden and reduces our garden waste... It has never worked smoothly and when it did, only spottily. I have, at times, become more than frustrated. At times, I have admitted defeat... and then, sometime later, I gain enough energy to try again... it continues to be a struggle... a real struggle. I have never been able to get a gardener to embrace the concept, learn the process, and commit to it -I do not ask that they understand the chemistry. My assessment has gone from: (1) they do not value the process; (2) they cannot learn the process; (3) they really don't give a s...t -passive resistance, simply more work... For the past 6 mo.--s-i-x--m-o-n-t-h-s--I have again been trying. I explain the process, I give directions... nothing happens... I make directive intervention... my directions are not followed, something is done, but not what I directed... I still have energy... I am again determined... I have given very specific directions for stage 1... bring me 4 wheel barrow loads of garden waste (no palm products). Notify me... when this happens, Stage 2 -I will stand there, while the ??? shovels in some dirt from one of the three bins / then a shovel full of lime -Mix... Stage 3- Repeat stages 1 & 2... now is this really difficult??????? I will reserve the rest of the lesson until 2 mo. from the last addition... the comprehension level is absolutely incredible... end of rant... time for the hammock. |
News Items of the Week
COMMENTS 1. Movement to Guatemala: (glass factory) note the differences in cost structures. CR is the most expensive country in Central America...and is also becoming the most complex / difficult in which to operate. Yes, other companies are moving / expanding here..mostly in the "free tax zones". 2. Wages... In the private sector will increase. 3. Chile: The government raised the subway fares the quivalent of 4 cents. Riots followed almost immediately, $300 mil damage done to the subway system, Walmart store invaded and ransacked, people killed, a million marchers yesterday in Santiago... and we thought Chile was the most stable and economically prosperous of Latin Am. Europe...Spain (Barcelona) is becoming unstable with separatist aspirations...
FOR RENTAL OR SALES INFORMATION Brian C. Timmons Costa Rica: Canada: Web: https://www.residenciaslosjardines.com |