
ISSUE #324: October 11-16, 2010




When I started Residencias Los Jardines, I started writing a weekly news letter —determined to tell all the good, bad, and the ugly. I knew some readers would be interested in the construction process. I expected others might be interested in the lifestyle of two people who had decided to live outside the box. For others, the adventures of Lita, the parrot and the cat took on an entertainment saga all its own.

Residencias Los Jardines is finished. We periodically have resales and rental availability. Some readers may be interested in this information.

More and more, the content will be dominated by events of our new project, "El Dorado" for short. While the future is always uncertain, I again aim to tell it like it happens —the good, the bad, and the ugly, and that is what follows.

In an effort to make the format more interesting and visually appealing and to field inquiries re. El Dorado, the news letter is now being distributed by Jan Kozak, Marketing Manager, Hacienda El Dorado. I will remain the author.

Brian C. Timmons, Author
Residencias Los Jardines/Hacienda El Dorado - Developer



Rio Oro: The chaos in the US forclosure process may help CR if it weren't for the low dollar / colon exchange rate -- that doesn't help at all.


Market Comment: only one client looking for a rental.  No purchasers this past week.

Mosquitoes:  We have a lot of vegetation at Los Jardines. This provides a great breeding grounds for mosquitoes. It's a constant effort to reach a balance between what is a comfortable tolerance for all. Most residents accept the trade off within limits...  some have lower tolerance levels. The last two weeks have seen dry weather and people sunning themselves. After 4-5 months of damp weather it is expected that there will be mosquitoes. Most people live with it or take personal precautions -- long clothing, big spray with DEET, or move into sunny areas to avoid them. We were called into action by one part time resident this week. We have some of the equipment (sprayer) necessary to control larva;  we don't have a "fogger" which, when used in combination with the larvacide, can, when used regularly, substantially eliminate mosquitoes and other air born insects. It's a question of cost, timing and tenacity.

Unit 106A: $155,000
Unit 106B: $169,000

See Descriptions and photos below.

Rental Vacancies:

106C       Nov 1            $1,250 pr month

Residencia Los Jardines Site Plan

Unit #106A -- For Sale $155,000 - FURNISHED (Leased at $1,000 pr month until January 2011)

Total Area (Sq Ft):1250
Total area (Sq M):120
Floor(s):Ground Floor

This is a fully furnished 2-bedroom unit situated in a 2-story building, which has two units on the ground floor and two units on the 2nd. floor. Each unit is the same size (1,250sf) divided into 800 sf of interior space and 450 sf of covered front and back terraces. UnitS 106 A and B are on the ground floor; Units 106 C and D are on the 2nd. Floor. The solid masonry demising wall (common wall) as well as the 5” concrete slab prevent sound transference.

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Unit #106B --For Sale $169,000 - FURNISHED

Total Area (Sq Ft): 1250
Total area (Sq M): 120
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Floor(s): Ground Floor
Type: Apartment
Furnished: Yes 

This is a fully furnished 2-bedroom unit situated in a 2-story building, which has two units on the ground floor and two units on the 2nd. floor. Each unit is the same size (1,250sf) divided into 800 sf of interior space and 450 sf of covered front and back terraces. Units 106 A and B are on the ground floor; Units 106 C and D are on the 2nd. Floor. The solid masonry demising wall (common wall) as well as the 5" concrete slab prevent sound transference.

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Unit #106C -- For Rent $1,250- FURNISHED (Available November 1, 2010)

Total Area (Sq Ft): 1250
Total area (Sq M): 120
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Floor(s): Ground Floor
Type: Apartment
Furnished: Yes 

This is a fully furnished 2-bedroom unit situated in a 2-story building, which has two units on the ground floor and two units on the 2nd. floor. Each unit is the same size (1,250sf) divided into 800 sf of interior space and 450 sf of covered front and back terraces. Units 106A and B are on the ground floor; Units 106 C and D are on the 2nd. Floor. The solid masonry demising wall (common wall) as well as the 5” concrete slab prevent sound transference.

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October 17, 2010
San José - Caldera Re-Opened This Morning
The section of highway between Atenas and Orotina was re-opened this morning by Autopistas del Sol after the Consejo Nacional de Concessiones (CNC) gave the green light on Saturday, satisfied that the highway is safe for users. 

October 17, 2010
50 Traffic Cops Detained This Year For Corruption
We have all been or know someone who has been the victim of corrupt traffic cops. But that soon could be a thing of the past in Costa Rica, as transit officials continue their crack down of those officials who stick their hands in the pockets of drivers. 

October 17, 2010
A Girlfriend. Maid. Secretary. Or Prostitute? The Ad Is Unclear
Secretary or university student between 25 and 35 is sought to clean and give massages, part time. She must be good looking, single, skinny have no children or one at the most and be happy for an American who describes himself as charming and single in San José. 

October 17, 2010
Four Out Every Ten Employers In Costa Rica Do Not Pay Minimum Wage 
The ministerio de Trabajo (Labour Ministry) reports that four out of every ten employers it has inspected pay their employees salaries below minimum wage. 

October 16, 2010
Four Out Every Ten Employers In Costa Rica Do Not Pay Minimum Wage 
The ministerio de Trabajo (Labour Ministry) reports that four out of every ten employers it has inspected pay their employees salaries below minimum wage. 

October 16, 2010
Costa Rican Government Considers Value Added Tax On Dollar Transaction: VP Liberman 
Vice President, Liberman, formally a business man and banker himself spoke at the National Financial Conference addressing Costa Rica´s monetary crisis. For the first time the government and Banco Central (Central Bank) admitted that the valuation of the colon and the devaluation of the dollar is causing a loss of exports, income and jobs. 

October 16, 2010
Costa Rica Intervenes in Colombia-Nicaragua Border Dispute 
Costa Rica submits a request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to step into the Colombia-Nicaragua maritime border dispute, saying that it affects the country's interests in the Caribbean Sea. 

October 15, 2010
Long Weekend And With Roads in Collapse 
This weekend is a long weekend in Costa Rica and with little rain in the forecast many will head for the beaches of Guanacaste and the Central and South Pacific coasts. However, expect traffic. Lots of traffic, this due to the collapse of Costa Rica's road infrastructure. 

October 15, 2010
New Protocol For Police Road Blocks 
Faced with an order tow months ago by the Sala Constitucional prohibiting police road blocks, the ministerio de Seguridad has issued a new procedure to develop controls as required by law. 

October 15, 2010
Child Labour Exploitation Denounced in Costa Rica 
The Asociación Nacional de Empleados Públicos y Privados (ANEP) - National Association of Public and Private Employees - union of Costa Rica denounced that the agricultural enterprise Agromonte exploits minors in pineapple plantations. 

October 14, 2010
If The Miner Rescue Would Have Been In Costa Rica 
While many Costa Ricans watched the rescue of Chilean miners and with the presence of a Telenoticias television crew reporting live from Atacama, they had to start wondering what would happen if the situation were to occur in Costa Rica. 

October 14, 2010
Dominican Big Business Slams Costa Rica's "Straightjacket" On Trade 
Santo Domingo - The president of the National Business Council (CONEP) on Wednesday rebuked Costa Rica's effort at imposing a "straightjacket" on Dominican Republic's trade relations and the belligerence from those who disagree with the free trade practices in effect and the spirit toward positive ties among the productive sectors of both countries

October 14, 2010
Heart Surgery Pioneer Dr. Longino Soto Dies 
The hospital Clínica Católica confirmed the death of Dr. Longino Soto Pacheco Wednesday night. 

October 13, 2010
Some 300 Kg Of Cocaine Goes Missing 
The director of the Organismo de Investigacion Judicial (OIJ), Jorge Rojas, assures that the police controls at the Pavas airport did not fail, but rather the drug traffickers took advantage of the weakness of the airport, mainly the lack of radar and monitoring systems. 

October 13, 2010
Colombians Wanted To Buy "Narco" Airline 
In an interview with the Spanish language daily, former owner and president of the ATA airline, Juan José Trejos, said he sold the airline due to the fall in the aviation business and that his airline had not flown for almost two years. "It was a lousy business", said the businessman. 

October 13, 2010
Only One Company Confirms Participation in Cellular Competition 
More than three weeks since the tender for cellular operating licenses was opened, only one company so far has expressed an interest in bidding. The other four say they are continuing evaluating the possibility, the La Nación reports. 

October 13, 2010
2011 Marchamo Goes On Sale Beginning Of November 
The Instituto Nacional de Seguros (INS) says that the 2011 Marchamo will go on sale the first week in November. The state insurer is responsible for the collection of the annual circulation permit for the 1.055.000 registered vehicles. 

October 12, 2010
Two Mexicans Tied To Drug Plane Crash Detained At Border Crossing
Costa Rican authorities report the arrest of two Mexican nationals believed to be owners of the light plane that crashed Sunday morning after take off of the Pavas airport and the more than 170 kilograms of cocaine hidden in the fuselage. 

October 12, 2010
Costa Rica's Ambassador Urges Prompt Approval of FTA With China 
Costa Rican Ambassador to China Marco Vinicio Ruiz has called on his country to approve the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China soon. 

October 11, 2010
Time For Costa Rica To Dollarize?
By most measures, our success in globalizing has become a successful and costly venture We recognize that the country has had an exponential increase in foreign trade supported by such mega companies as Intel, HP, Boston Scientific, P&G, Kraft and the myriad of large and small outsource centers, especially agriculture not to mention the injured but not at all lifeless international business of tourism, and real estate sales.

October 11, 2010
Normal, Rainy Season Weather To Kick Back In Tomorrow 
It's been almost a week of no rain in one of the worst rainy seasons of the last couple of years. For days the skies have been clear and though the weather cool at times (a few degrees below normal), the sun has been shining and not a drop in sight. 

October 11, 2010
Objections Could Delay Costa Rica's Cellular Competition 
Questions over the mobile license tender could delay further the opening of the telecommunications market in Costa Rica after the Contraloria General de la República (Comptroller's office) instructed the Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Sutel) to update the bidding document following complaints from some of the bidders. 


Weather: This week has been mostly overcast with few sunny spots. We've had drying winds and very little rain. We, along with all of CR, are getting a chance to dry out. However, the road system has collapsed to the point where leaving the Central Valley is very difficult and if one IS able to get out, returning is still problematic. That's the way life is here.  

Two weeks ago, the weather people said that the rainy season (up to that point 60-70% above normal rainfall) would extend an additional 2 weeks and end sometime in December. At about the time those predictions were made, it stopped raining and some are wondering if the dry season has begun.

Note: For those living out of the Central Valley, getting to good medical and dental facilities would be difficult. Receiving guests or exiting guests would be equally difficult. Fresh food deliveries are hampered as well and fuel supplies. While one can live on rice and beans and chicken for quite a while, it gets old in my book after very long....  but each to their own....

Residency: We're waiting for the 20th or so at which time I fully expect to be told to wait some more...

Brian, Lita, Hugo, irreverent Vicka, the pigeon toed parrot, and the newbies - Chico and Chica.

Brian C. Timmons, Newsletter Author
Residencias Los Jardines/Hacienda El Dorado - Developer
Cell: (+506) 8305-3965

For inquiries about availability of residences at Hacienda El Dorado or Residencias Los Jardines, contact:

Jan Kozak, Marketing Manager
Residencias Los Jardines/Hacienda El Dorado

Skype: jan.kozak.jr

Voicemail (Canada) (+1) 647-477-5825
Skype (US) (+1) 954 903 0830
Office (Costa Rica) (+506) 2215-6000
Cell (Costa Rica): (+506) 8707-9930 / (+506) 8345-8018

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